Namibia’s lucrative livestock sector is an important industry for the country as it remains a major source of income and livelihood within the broader agriculture economy, with the export of live a
Best Practices
Through the STOSAR Project, the National Plant Protection Organization (NPPO) of Zambia has benefitted from various capacity-building initiatives such as Pest Risk Analysis (PRA) that equipped the
The SADC AIMS is a web-based application that was developed to store data related to 12 different thematic areas namely Crops, Livestock, Aquaculture, Forestry, Agricultural Input, Animal/Plant Hea
The recently developed and implemented Agricultural Information Management System (AIMS) seeks to support the SADC Member States in data gathering, storage, processing, and analysis.
Currently all SADC Member States have agricultural information, however, they are all fragmented across different systems, and some of them in different formats.